Needs analysis survey & reports

Here you can find the project survey and the reports.

Survey and Reports


Pre-service Teachers’ Experiences with Virtual Exchange and their Attitudes Towards Implementing Virtual. Exchange into the curriculum — A needs analysis report.

Virtual exchange (VE) in language education is the process of communicating in a shared foreign language and collaboratively learning with peers from different countries through the use of technology (adapted from Dooly & Vinagre 2021, 393). The most common virtual exchange projects at primary and secondary level of education are carried out through the eTwinning platform, which is part of the Erasmus+ programme under the auspices of the European Commission.

In-service Teachers’ Experiences with Virtual Exchange and their Attitudes Towards Implementing Virtual. Exchange into the curriculum — A needs analysis report.

Virtual exchange (VE) in language education is the process of communicating in a shared foreign language and collaboratively learning with peers from different countries through the use of technology (adapted from Dooly & Vinagre 2021, 393). The most common virtual exchange projects at primary and secondary level of education are carried out through the eTwinning platform, which is part of the Erasmus+ programme under the auspices of the European Commission.


Questionnaire — Pre-service teachers.

We are interested in understanding in-service teachers’ attitudes, experiences, perceived competence, problems, and needs related to virtual exchange. To gather this information, we have created a questionnaire. The goal is to use the data to develop a teacher education module and professional development course.

Questionnaire pre-school/primary teachers

We are interested in understanding in-service teachers’ attitudes, experiences, perceived competence, problems, and needs related to virtual exchange. To gather this information, we have created a questionnaire. The goal is to use the data to develop a teacher education module and professional development course.