News & Events
Presentation at the 2nd International Early Language Learning Conference in Granada, Spain
Two of the Spanish team members of the Invited Project presented the results of our survey on VE for in-service and pre-service teachers at the 2nd International Early Language Learning Conference held in Granada from 5-6th September 2024. It was great to catch up...
Guest talk at the University of Erfurt, Germany
Prof. Dr. Annika Kolb of the University of Education of Freiburg held a talk titled “Virtual Exchange in the young learners´ EFL classroom”, as a guest speaker at the University of Erfurt. Prof. Kolb, among many things, shared the ongoing project progress of
Presenting at the ELLRA
The project team, led by Dr. Mateja Dagarin Fojkar of the University of Ljubljana and Dr. Katarzyna Brzosko-Barratt of the University of Warsaw, as well as with Tina Rozmaric and Nurjona Pinguri, presented the project and the ongoing results of the survey at the ELLRA...
Guest Talk 4
INVITED had the pleasure to host a talk from Magdalena Dybiżbańska-Klinkosz, who is an award-winning preschool teacher from Gdańsk (Poland) involved in many eTwinning projects. The talk was attended by interested students and teachers from Germany and Poland.
Guest Talk 3
On the last day of the Kick-Off meeting, Seda Hava AK, a recent graduate of the MA programme E-LINGO at the University of Education of Freiburg, shared her experience conducting a Virtual Exchange project with preschool learners in Turkey and Nigeria.
Guest Talk 2
On the last day of the Kick-Off meeting, Prof. Dr. Rafaelle Beecroft (PH Karlsruhe) presented a classroom example of a Virtual Exchange Project with learners in Germany and Japan.
Guest Talk 1
On the 30th of November 2023, INVITED hosted a guest talk by Begoña Clavel-Arroitia and Barry Pennock-Speck (Universitat de Valencia - IULMA) with the title “Research, Experiences and Materials on VE with Primary School Learners”. They are currently part of the...
INVITED officially begins
The kick-off meeting of INVITED took place at The University of Freiburg in Germany from the 29th of November to the 1st of December 2023. All project partners and affiliates were present for it. The three days culminated in fruitful discussions that set strong...