Research and literature on VE in early
language education

Research on VE in primary and preschool:

Bejarana Sánchez, G. & Gimenez Manríque, G. (2018). What makes our schools unique? A telecollaborative experience from the perspective of two ‘new-comers.’ In Dooly Owenby, M. & O´Dowd, R. (Eds.). In This Together. Teachers’ Experiences with Transnational, Telecollaborative Language Learning Projects. Peter Lang, 145-181.

Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2018). Developing Plurilingual Competence in the EFL Primary Classroom through Telecollaboration. In Buendgens-Kosten, J. & Elsner, D. (Eds.). CALL in Multilingual Settings. Multilingual Matters, 171 – 190.

Dooly, M. & Sadler, R. (2016). Becoming little scientists: Technologically-enhanced project-based language learning. Language Learning & Technology, 20(1), 54–78.
Monts, M., & Masats, D. (2018). Tips and suggestions to implement telecollaborative projects with young learners. In Dooly Owenby, M. & O´Dowd, R. (Eds.). In This Together. Teachers’ Experiences with Transnational, Telecollaborative Language Learning Projects. Peter Lang, 93-122.

Okumura, S. (2020). Design and implementation of a telecollaboration project for primary school students to trigger intercultural understanding. Intercultural Education, 31(4), 377-389.

Pennock-Speck, B. & Clavel-Arroitia, B. (2022). Virtual exchanges among primary-education pupils. Insights into a new arena. In Potolia, A. & Derivry-Plard, M. (eds.). Virtual Exchange for Intercultural Language Learning and Teaching. Routledge, 115-132.

Whyte, S., Wigham, C., Younes, N. & Redondo, C. Learner interaction in virtual learning scenarios for primary EFL. EuroCALL 2022: Intelligent CALL, granular systems and learner data, Aug 2022, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Whyte, S, & Cutrim Schmid, E. (2014). A task-based approach to video communication with the IWB: a French-German primary EFL class exchange. In Cutrim Schmid, E., & Whyte, S. (Eds.). Teaching languages with technology: communicative approaches to interactive whiteboard use. A resource book for teacher development. Bloomsbury, 50-79.

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