How -to videos
Pre-school and primary school teachers from partner countries and beyond have shared their expertise in the following guiding videos on how to implement Virtual Exchange project in the young learners foreign language classroom; how to use the eTwinning platform, how to search for partners, how to prepare learners etc.

Before the VE Project
This collection of videos provides info about the necessary steps on how to prepare for a VE project.

Introduction: VE in a preschool
Magdalena Dybiżbańska-Klinkosz, a preschool teacher based in Poland, provides her insights on how to implement a VE project in preschool.

VE in a preschool (cont.)
Magdalena Dybiżbańska-Klinkosz, a preschool teacher based in Poland, provides her insights on how to implement a VE project in preschool.

VE in a preschool: scaffolding strategies for young learners
Seda Hava AK, a preschool teacher based in Berlin, Germany, shares her expertise on scaffolding strategies to support children before partaking in a VE project.

How to find a project on eTwinning
Antonia Jerez, a primary school teacher based in Spain, shares her tips on how to use the eTwinning platform to search for quality projects.

How to create a quality project on eTwinning
Antonia Jerez, a primary school teacher based in Spain, shares her insights on how to create a quality project on eTwinning.

Foster early literacy skills
Coming soon.
During the VE Project
This collection of videos provides the necessary info on how to deal with potential difficulties that may happen during the implementation phase of a VE project in a preschool or primary school language classroom. (More videos coming soon)

VE in a preschool: Online meetings
Magdalena Dybiżbańska-Klinkosz, a preschool teacher based in Poland, provides her insights on how to hold online meetings with young learners.

Communication in the project
Coming soon.
After the VE Project
This collection of videos provides the necessary info to support teachers and student teachers to implement post-learning reflection and feedback sessions with the teachers, how to showcase the results of the project etc. (Coming soon)