Guest Talk 3

On the last day of the Kick-Off meeting, Seda Hava AK, a recent graduate of the MA programme E-LINGO at the University of Education of Freiburg, shared her experience conducting a Virtual Exchange project with preschool learners in Turkey and Nigeria.


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Guest Talk 4

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Guest Talk 2

Guest Talk 2

On the last day of the Kick-Off meeting, Prof. Dr. Rafaelle Beecroft (PH Karlsruhe) presented a classroom example of a Virtual Exchange Project with learners in Germany and Japan.    

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Guest Talk 1

On the 30th of November 2023, INVITED hosted a guest talk by Begoña Clavel-Arroitia and Barry Pennock-Speck (Universitat de Valencia – IULMA) with the title “Research, Experiences and Materials on VE with Primary School Learners”. They are currently part of the...

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